Birkenhead House - Land Registry

This is a building looking for a big wealthy owner or someone to to rent it - it's huge. This is the information from the seller:

Birkenhead House comprises a 3 storey office building of concrete frame construction with brick cladding housed under a flat roof.
The building occupies a total site area of approximately 2.57 acres.
The building is divided into 5 separate wings and was constructed in 1961. The extension, to the south was built in 1978. Internally the building has a series of pen plan and cellular office areas, store rooms, a gymnasium complete with changing facilities, restaurant, conference and training rooms.

- 3 storey office building, Gas fired central heating

- CAT 2 Lighting
- Data Cabling
- Gymnasium with changing facilities
- Fully fitted restaurant/canteen area
- UPVC double glazed window units
- 219 car parking spaces.

Currently on sale for £3.25m or could let. Considering the location and the size of the land it sits on - actually a bargain!

On my walk around - pretty good condition - well maintained - doesn't actualy appear to show much of the concrete sickness that these old buildings exhibit either. Fabulous views. Possible to see the Welsh Mountains AND the Lake District AND the Isle of Man all at the same time 

There is a link here to the sales brochure
Copy and paste this into your browser

The irony of course is its the Land Registry!
When the jobs disappeared and moved to Warton - Little less employment - less money spent in the town Please buy it and stop this quirky '60's building being flattened! 

I bought my house from a lady who was an IT manager here!

Front entrance from the main road

Also from the main road

View from the path that runs from the windmill

Still the front of the building

The rear carpark

Taken from the beach

From the rear carpark. These new houses are built on the site of the old Cooksons Bakery. I worked there for 3 years. There was a woman gesticulating wildly from one of the windows! What was I going to do? run off with it..... perhaps hopefully!

The front from the Warton end

East Beach from the carpark - the Windmill is visible from here. Quite wideangle - so things are a little closer.

The Wrea Green Roll of Honour.

This information is related to this page I have include the pic again for reference.

This roll of honour is recorded in the National Inventory of War Memorials as UKNIWM Ref: 54937

This is the inscription:


Aiken Oswald
Aiken Arthur
Atkinson James
Ball Richard
Ball Robert
Ball James
Baron William Stanley
Baron James Frederick
Barratt GeorgeVictor
Beecroft John
Benson John
Benson George Bradshaw
Benson James
Blackhurst Henry
Boardman Richard
Bonsor William
Braithwaite William
Brandwood William
Bryning William
Cardwell Nicholas
Cardwell William
Carr Hugh
Carr Geaorge
Catterall James
Charnley James
Child Richard
Cottam Joseph
Cottam Henry
Cross William
Dagger Richard
Duckworth Leslie
Eccles Thomas
Ferries James
Ferries William
Fisher James
Gardner Henry
Gillett Joseph
Gillett Thomas
Gillett James
Gregson Harry
Gregson Richard
Gregson Thomas
Gregson Edwin
Gregson James
Gregson John
Halsall Frank
Harrison Thomas
Harrison Thomas
Harrison Arthur
Hogarth William
Holt Jno. Whittaker
Hornby Hy. Hilton
Hull Lawrence
Hull Jno. Parker
Jolly John Herbert
Kirkham Stanley Jas
Kirkham Richard
Kirkham Thomas
Kirkham Harry

Kirkham Arthur
Lawson John
Leaver Tom Allen
Lees edward
Lewis William Howe
Lord George
Manning William
McCall Joseph
McSpirit James
McSpirit John
Marquis Thomas
Marquis James
Marquis Robert
Marquis J Wilfred
Marquis John
Marquis James
Moore Richard
Moore Robert John
Moore Robert
Moore Roger
Morley Henry
Myles Herbert Wainwright
Rollingham Thomas
Rollingham Henry
Parker Albert Victor
Parker John
Patten Archibald
Porter Jack
Quinn George
Roskell Matthew
Rossall James
Rossal Timothy
Rossall Thomas
Salisbury Thomas
Salthouse William
Sharp Christopher ?
Simpson John
Simpson Robert
Smith Gilbert
Taylor Edward Philip
Taylor Charnley Dewhurst
Valentine Roger
Wareing Richard
Wareing Joseph
Wareing Benjamin
Whitelock Arthur Thomas
Whiteside William
Wilkin John
Wilson Abraham
Wright Albert

In tiny letters at the very bottom is the name W. BROWN DES.GN PRESTON Presumably the artist who made the work.

The last published piece is a list of names who were subscribers to the Protestant Orphans Fund Indebted to Janet Crawford who did the work! I have not contacted her but I am sure that she would welcome any supplementary information.

From: "Janet Crawford" <> Subject: [COTIPPERARY] Subscribers to the Protestant Orphan Fund - Part 10 Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 11:51:37 -0000


Miss Homan's card:

Rev. W.T. Homan
Mr. E.P. Homan
Mrs. Rainsford
Mrs. A.D. Walsh
Ms. E.L. Swan
Ms. Barnes
Ms. S. Barnes
Collected at Lockeen church
Ms. Maunsell
Mrs. John Armitage
Mrs. T. Williams
Ms. Homan
Ms. M. Hope
Mrs. Homan
Mrs. Dancer [Hilton]
Ms. G. Ely
Mrs. Isaac Lewis
Mrs. John Lewis

Miss Ely's card:

Thomas Ely
Ms. Ely
Ms. G. Ely
Ms. C.T. Ely
Ms. A.M. Ely
Ms. J. Ely
Captain Ely, 99th Regt.
Mrs. Head, Sr.
Mrs. Rainsford
Mrs. Dancer [Hilton]
Richard Kennedy
Rev. W.B. Chester
Mrs. Williams
Mrs. Shoebottom

Miss georgie Hodgins card:
Mr. W.R. Hodgins
Mr. M. Scanlan
Ms. Smith
Robert Smith
James Hodgins
Mrs. J. Armitage
Ms. Georgie Hodgins
Master W.H. Hodgins
Master C.J. Hodgins

Cloghjordan Contributions:

Rev. J. Hutchinson
Mr. H. Andrews
Mr. R. Dancer
Charles Smith
Mrs. James Hodgins
Mrs. Allen
Mr. Pyke
Mr. Thomas Hodgins
Mr. Dudley
Mr. A. Hodgins
Mr. R. Coughlan
Constable Davis
Mrs. M.A. Williams
Mr. Smith
Mr. W. Armitage
Mr. R. Armitage
Mr. John Hodgins
Constable Allen
Mr. W. Grant
Mr. W. Guest
Mr. Williams [Hotel]
Mr. Joseph Williams
Head Constable Quinn
Mr. T. Hodgins [Newtown]
Mr. J. Armitage
Mr. John Davis
Mr. W. Hodgins [Burnwood]
Mrs. William Guest
Mr. T. Lewis
Mr. T. Mooney, Jr.
Mrs. Coughlan
Mr. Joseph Armitage
Mr. James Atkinson
Mr. W. Colbert
Mr. C. Cavanagh
Mr. A. Youngman
Mr. J. Lewis [Cowbawn]
Mr. James Guest
Mr. W. Wallace
Mr. Joseph Smith
Mrs. Colbert
mr. T. Holland
Mr. James Hodgins
Mr. James Mooney

Collected by Ralph Sadleir Stoney [Lytham, Lancashire]

Joseph Hirst
Rev. R.S. Stoney
Ms. Wilson
The Misses Tait & Townsend
William Birdsworth
The Misses Inn----?
Ms. Parker
Mr. Isherwood
Ms. Hornby
Mrs. Balwin
George Hill
Mrs. Rothwell
Ms. Duckworth
Mrs. Crookshank
Mrs. Crossley
Mr. Knowles
Mr. Seddin
Mr. Naples
Mr. Knox
Mr. Wildy
Mr. Whiteside